My WordPress Anniversary!

Before starting off, I would like to thank each and every one of you for taking your time out of your day to read my blogs and visit my website. Although I still have a small and growing following, reaching over 3300 views on my website is an absolute amazing accomplishment for me! This motivates me to never stop writing.

A year ago on this day, I first created my own WordPress website during quarantine. At first, I had no idea what I was doing since I was still new to this process of “blogging.” I’ve honestly never thought of writing blogs until now. I’ve figured it was something that came to mind during quarantine and it really helped me a lot. Compared to other websites that I’ve tried to find for blogging, WordPress was the most helpful resource for me to use and I don’t regret it one bit whatsoever.

Let me tell you this, writing isn’t always easy no matter how easy it seems. Writing takes a lot of time and dedication to get where you want to be. Writing is the perfect form of art in our lives. To be honest, I’ve been slacking with keeping my blogs more updated and consistent each month. But I constantly keep telling myself that I have to keep going and to keep writing for my audience. Every time I lack motivation with my content, I remind myself that people are actually blown away from my blogs and may want to keep reading.

So with every step I take, I’m pushing myself to inspire others. And I don’t have to be the best writer out there, because everything I write is from the heart. Needless to say, writing did help me gain a lot of knowledge from reading blogs. You do learn something new everyday on the type of blogs you’re interested in. I like to keep my blogs diverse so that I can always have a topic to write about without having to run out of things to say.

Bloggers usually like to stick to one topic, but I like to create and write just about everything in my blog—from personal growth to even about everyday life in general! In my opinion, there’s no rules to blogging because writing is our freedom of speech right? We can write blogs on whatever thoughts we have. Writing is a great expression for people that have trouble speaking up in person like me. Where would I be without writing/blogging? Writing is like my best friend whenever I feel lonely. Sometimes I wish I’ve started writing earlier to launch my career further, but I’m already here! I’m officially writing/blogging, growing, and learning within the community.

Again, I’m thankful for my followers and readers for being with me throughout my journey.

Shoutout to for notifying my achievements. Happy Anniversary to my platform as a blogger!

2 thoughts on “My WordPress Anniversary!

  1. Congrats on your first year! Yeah, I’m with you on the no-niche niche way of blogging. I myself don’t really have a specific topic to blog about, even though I did end up falling into the writing category. Anyway, congrats once again on your anniversary, and may you have many more years to come!

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